With the Country and individual states opening up, employers need to know their legal obligations.|With the Country and individual states opening up, employers need to know their legal obligations.|With the Country and individual states opening up, employers need to know their legal obligations.|With the Country and individual states opening up, employers need to know their legal obligations.
The definition issues for employees and the COVID-19 vaccine is whether employers can enforce mandatory vaccinations –No Jab No Job?
With the Country and individual states opening up, employers need to know their legal obligations. Brian Jackson (Employment Lawyer from Moray & Agnew Lawyers) will present on this important topic so that employers know how to proceed and avoid claims and HR related risks.
Brian specialises in defending complex and sensitive employment law litigation on behalf of insurers and their insureds as the key element of the senior roles he has held at leading national and global commercial law firms over the past 20 years.