Client Release Notes for Viking v2024.29.0 (deployed 18/07/2024)

July 22, 2024

NOTE: These release notes combine two releases - v2024.28.0 and v2024.29.0


  • A new feature has been added which allows statuses to be defined and allocated against users in Administration > Users. Statuses are based around dates so for example you can indicate someone is in a certain status between dates (i.e. On holiday) and during that period the user list will reflect this status. A new level of admin access has been created to allow creation/modification of these statuses. Contact support if you would like access to use this feature. This is an initial change but further development will be undertaken to increase functionality of these statuses.
  • Dashboard – The time zone conversion has been removed when calculating the global date filter This means no matter where the user’s browser is set, the same data will be visible regardless of the user’s location.
  • Employees away on leave can now be hidden from the training matrix if required.  To achieve this an option “Hide in Training Matrix” can be enabled in the “User Status” if the form selected is “Training Record” or if the status is applicable to “All Forms”. When enabled the employee will not appear in the training matrix until the expiration of the leave period.
  • When navigating to the Administration -> Form/Workflow Definition tab, focus is applied to the Module selector dropdown box and the text is selected, so that the search function can directly be triggered when typing.


  • Amendment to ensure text wraps for a LABEL field’s 'Additional display' data in all locales.
  • When total attachment size included in an email notification is > 40mb, the email notification has the url that goes to actual record. For a total attachment size of < 40mb the files are sent as attachments in the email.
  • Prevent record export template from failing when there is a GRAND_SCORE field but no QUESTIONNAIRE field.
  • Prevent the Integration job from overwriting latitude and longitude coordinates even when these columns are unmapped in the import file.
  • Ensure that rich text formatting is applied to email notifications where applicable.
  • When configuring RISKRATING conditions for Section Visibility, values from archived risk matrices were also appearing for selection.  This has been amended to now only show values from the risk matrix applicable to that field.
  • Correct the issue of records failing to load in the record list caused by a specific configuration in the form of PERSONFIELDs in different sections with dependencies on other PERSONFIELDs.
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